About Us

The next edition of MUIMUN will provide its participants with the chance to debate in several English, Spanish and French-speaking committees, working together with over 200 delegates from all over the world in the beautiful city of Münster, Germany. Being a great experience for First Timers and also experienced MUNers, it offers a unique atmosphere of social and international diversity tied together by the magical MUIMUN spirit. The castle being Münster’s main attraction is an ideal place to set the scene for diplomatic discussions, relations and – last but not least – our spectacular socials. There will be scholarships available for international delegates and High school scholars accompanied by workshops concerning a wide variety of topics linked to the United Nations.

Meet the Team 2025

What is a MUN?

The abbreviation MUN stands for Model United Nations and describes an event during which students get to play the role of international delegates and discuss different topics in a wide variety of UN-committees while representing their assigned country. The debates are accompanied by social events and often workshops during which the participants have the opportunity to learn about the United Nations or improve skills such as making speeches or writing working papers.

Partner MUNs


The non-profit Münster MUN e. V. (German registered association) supports the MUIMUN project actively, especially with a staff (the volontarily working MUIMUN organization team) and ideally. Additionally, it also helps in funding the project.

The MUIMUN Conference is hosted by:


©MUIMUN is a project of Münster MUN e.V. & its copyrights belong to Münster MUN e.V.

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